rallying cry

美 [ˈræliɪŋ kraɪ]英 [ˈræliɪŋ kraɪ]
  • n.(团结众人的)战斗口号,信念

复数: rallying cries

rallying cryrallying cry


a phrase or an idea that is used to encourage people to support sb/sth

rallying cry


  • 1
    N-COUNT 战斗口号
    A rallying cry or rallying call is something such as a word or phrase, an event, or a belief which encourages people to unite and to act in support of a particular group or idea.

    ...an issue that is fast becoming a rallying cry for many Democrats: national health care.



a yell intended to rally a group of soldiers in battle
Synonym: war cry war whoop battle cry
a slogan used to rally support for a cause
a cry to arms
our watchword will be `democracy'
Synonym: war cry battle cry cry watchword


  1. Did she just use a civil rights rallying cry to get us to lose ass fat ?


  2. Is a perennial rallying cry , but free markets !


  3. Slogan or rallying cry of a group of people fighting for the same cause


  4. It 's the new rallying cry of a beleaguered nation .


  5. As stocks soared higher , investors rushed to her rallying cry .


  6. But entertainment industry executives have followed this rallying cry only reluctantly .


  7. Stronger for longer was the rallying cry .


  8. Feminism today is a lot of things , many of them controversial . It 's a rallying cry .


  9. So do not be surprised if See you in court becomes the environmentalist 's new rallying cry .


  10. Such an abstract rallying cry , however , could only be effective when it was rooted in a definite material program .


  11. In England , France , and the United States , the pursuit of happiness became the rallying cry of change .


  12. To some , it is simply an amorphous rallying cry , rather than an attempt to achieve real change on the ground .


  13. Sometimes the rallying cry is ' Save the Tomb of Christ from the Heathen ! '


  14. Not long after , a rallying cry for retaliation emerged in Chinese online discussion groups , blogs and bulletin boards .


  15. Given his skills and style , it is not surprising that he made unshakeable facts the rallying cry of his organization .


  16. From the early days of popular use of the Internet , the rallying cry was that cyberspace was the new frontier , subject to no law .


  17. Taking on the rude behavior that has become a point of pride for some , Talk to the Hand is a rallying cry for courtesy .


  18. The other half will plot to overthrow you . And your gold plated thugs just gave them their rallying cry


  19. If Ethiopian troops remain , however , their presence will continue to be a major grievance and rallying cry for the insurgency .


  20. The purported health threat of U.S. beef imports is a rallying cry South Korean producers invoke interchangeably with the far more imminent economic threat .


  21. Based on this true story ? V The Alamo depicts what would become a legendary rallying cry for independence * and a heroic fight for freedom !


  22. Cue an inspirational half-time team talk from the boss , a passionate rallying cry from the fans and the most amazing comeback of all time .


  23. But the note prompted controversy by citing the phrase that has become the rallying cry for protesters across the US over alleged police brutality and judicial bias against black people .


  24. World Health Organisation declared that the cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders were a public health emergency of international concern , it was a rallying cry for the international community to respond .


  25. Lean in , her book on women and leadership , has become a rallying cry for a generation of ambitious women attempting to balance the constantly shifting demands of parenting and building a career .


  26. It is the heartbeat , the very DNA of this organisation and a rallying cry for the athletes to come to the UK to perform at their very best and inspire the world .


  27. Now , the move is following through on the rallying cry coming from Satya Nadella , Microsoft 's new chief executive , who has pushed cloud and mobile computing as lodestars for the company 's future .


  28. Demanding a capital stake in a troubled company may seem like an odd thing to do at the height of the worst recession since the Second World War , but for German workers it is fast becoming a powerful rallying cry .


  29. In the 19th century the slogan " eight hours " labour , eight hours " recreation , eight hours " rest " became the rallying cry of unions and social justice reformers on both sides of the Atlantic .


  30. The Three People 's Principles was a political programme which embodied the hopes of the Chinese bourgeon sie for the establishment of a republic and the development of capitalism , and was a great rallying cry for the revolution at that time .
